Pest Control Perth Guide

Ultimate Guide To Pest Control Perth, WA: Services, Benefits, and Costs

Welcome to this guide about pest control in Perth.

If you’re looking for trustworthy and reliable pest management services, then look no further than Eco Pest Control Perth.

We offer the full range of pest control services in the city and are dedicated to providing top-tier service that customers can depend on.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything from what exactly is pest control, the benefits of using such a service, treatments for common pests found around your home or commercial properties, and more.

What is pest control?

When it comes to controlling pests, the first question that needs to be answered is “What exactly is it?” Simply put, it is a service used to try and eliminate or reduce pest infestation for home or business owners. It’s an umbrella term that covers detecting, managing, and preventing nuisance animals, including insects, rodents, birds, and other unwanted critters. This will use a wide range of techniques and preventive measures such as baiting, trapping, and even extermination services when dealing with these infestations in order to ensure thorough removal of the problem. When it comes to excellent service, Eco Pest Control is the company you can trust for guaranteed results.

The Benefits of Effective Pest Control

Protects Your Home and Business

Whether we realise it or not, most pests can cause considerable damage to our homes and businesses. If left untreated, they can even lead to structural damage or worse. Fires in some cases. By using a professional pest control service you’re ensuring any risk of such future issues is prevented.

Maximise Safety and Hygiene

We all want a clean and safe environment for ourselves, our families, and our pets. It’s important that any potential risks posed by prevalent pests should be eliminated at their source in order to avoid any kind of contamination from food supplies home dwellers. This is why regular treatments via qualified technicians are so important.

Preventative Measures Are Available

The best expert advice to go early on before they become a nuisance is by investing in prevention like building barriers or deterrents around the perimeter of your home or office. This can help ward off unwanted pests from entering and causing destruction to your property.

Offers More Effective Solutions

With Do-It-Yourself solutions, it’s difficult to guarantee long-term results because you’re either using products that may not be suitable for specific situations or haven’t been properly applied in the first place. However, when you enlist the help of an experienced pest control company, the chances of long-term success increase significantly due to their knowledge and expertise with all kinds of pest control and effective methods.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Lastly, but certainly not least, having a pest-free living space is sure to provide an aesthetic boost while simultaneously calming worries about potential health risks posed by pests which can be beneficial if you’re looking to sell down the track. This has been tackled and confirmed by the department of health.

Common Services

Pest Inspections

A Pest Inspection is an effective way of determining the presence of pests around your home or business. During this process, a professional pest controller will inspect your premises. This is both onsite and possibly through a remote scan, depending on the situation to identify any existing problem areas. Once these areas are located, they’ll then be able to recommend suitable control solutions that meet your needs and budget as well as implement and review regularly for lasting results.

Typically this type of inspection is undertaken in three steps: Initial Inspection, Identification and Treatment Plan Design, Planning, and Execution. Firstly, there’ll be an initial inspection where the pest control experts gathers information about any potential threats as well as access points for entry. From there they can then identify what kind of pest activity is taking place before narrowing down species-specific treatments if need be.

Residential Pest Control

It is the go-to solution for homeowners with nuisance pest problems. Qualified pest controllers can help you rid your home of pesky pests such as rats, cockroach infestation, termites, and many more for good.

We follow a tried and tested procedure when dealing with residential pests: Initial inspection to identify them. Application of chemical treatment, reviewing any potential entry points and areas where they may hide, environmentally friendly baiting services. Putting preventative strategies into action. This systematic approach has proven successful time and time again giving us outstanding ratings from many happy customers over the years.

Commercial Pest Management

Pest management businesses understand the seriousness of having bugs present in any workplace and take every precautionary measure possible while still remaining cost-effective with our solution approach.

What sets us apart from other companies is how thorough we are when dealing with commercial pest control. Our professional team will get to the root cause of the problem, determining risk factors and analysing how these activities take place before implementing prevention tips such as hygiene practices or chemical treatments that keep any nuisance critters away for good.

Commercial Pest Management

Pest Services

Cockroach Control

It is an essential element of any eradication effort due to how common this type of pest can be. They’re able to enter almost any premises and can cause various health issues should they decide to take residence.They feed on anything from decaying organic matter to human food source which unfortunately makes them a nuisance in both homes and businesses alike.

In order to combat such an infestation, Eco uses a combination of pesticide applications, baiting methods, and trapping. This is before a thorough inspection of the area takes place for further risk assessment. As far as species go, we see mostly 3 main cockroach types in Perth: The German Cockroach, the Australian or Oriental Cockroach, and the American Cockroach.

Ant Control

It is an important service for any homeowner because of how quickly these pests can spread and multiply. Professionals understand entrenched ant colonies require a targeted approach to eradicate them properly. They use various methods such as baiting, pesticide exterior walls or doorways where ant infestations are starting from, and insect dusting for harder-to-reach spots. When it comes down to species of ants you may come across around Perth, the 8 most common types are: Brown Ants, Black House Ants, Carpenter Ants, Pharaoh Ants Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA), Ghost ants Molecular ants Orchid ants.

Spider Control

Spiders are an ever-present household nuisance that many seem to have a natural fear of. If left uncontrolled, they can cause damage to property or poses health hazards in extreme cases. Spider Control services are essential for tackling such harmful pests. This includes both external pesticide applications as well as targeted indoor treatments like insect dusting for more isolated areas where spiders may hide. In regards to species present in Perth, there are 4 common ones: The Green Huntsman Spider, the Black House Spider, the Redback Spider, and White-tailed Spider.

Bird Control

Bird control is necessary in some circumstances. This is due to how accustomed these creatures become to their environment. Not only being a serious risk factor for property damage. But also health and safety threats if left unchecked. As far as species around Perth go, you may come across the common Myna bird, Sulfur-crested Cockatoo, sparrows and pigeons. Others flock together to like each other’s company during migration season.

Termite Control

Termite Control Services are essential if you’re looking for long-term peace of mind. This is due to their potential destruction capabilities both outdoors and indoors. Some of these services are baiting, soil treatments, and spraying. Also, exclusion barriers for uneven surfaces when it comes to controlling termite populations around Perth. As far as species go, you may come across two kinds mainly in the region: The Subterranean and the Drywood Termite.

Termite Inspections

Timber Pest Inspections pose as yet another layer of protection against termite infestations. It works by providing a precise assessment of the area for any potential damage or risk factors that require attention. It offers such solutions, conducting an in-depth inspection as well as writing up complete reports detailing the findings. So you have tangible proof any issues were present.

Typically this consists of looking at both external and internal areas onsite. Some if these are walls, timber substrates, bottom plates for wooden structures, slabs, cemented surfaces, and skirting boards for anomalies or signs of damage.

Termite Barriers

Termite Barriers are yet another important layer of protection against termites. It is designed to keep them from entering the premises in the first place like in roof and crevices. Physical Chemical Termite Barriers acts as an undetectable physical barrier between timber components and concrete elements. It works with slabs, eaves, or plumbing works for instance that would otherwise become targets.

It treats crevices and other hard-to-reach areas where it’s impossible to use baiting or chemical treatments. Also, it effectively uses a state-of-the art Biflex liquid spray. So no termites can enter undetected while also staying on track with environmental regulations.

About Perth

Perth is a bustling city located in Western Australia and the Capital City of the state. It’s one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country known for its bright blue skies and stunning beaches. Also, for it’s natural beauty, and cultural heritage. All these put together make it an exciting and beautiful place where we can proudly carry out our services. This is for many locals looking to maintain their properties with pest protection without having to resort to expensive DIY solutions.

About Perth


What is the hardest pest to get rid of?

Bed bugs are usually the most difficult pest to eliminate. They hide very well so they’re hard to find. They also make many babies quickly and can live a long time without eating. Our technicians use heat treatments and chemicals to fully kill them. It normally takes a few visits to remove bed bugs completely.

How much does pest control cost in Australia?

It costs $100 to $400 on average depending on the size of your home and how bad the problem is. An initial check often costs around $100 to identify the type of pest and make a treatment plan. Regular preventative treatments cost about $250 every 3 months on average. Termite treatments cost more – usually $300 to $400 – but are needed to protect your home.

What are the main steps for pest management?

The 7 key steps are:

  1. Check for destructive pests
  2. Identify the type of pests
  3. Find where they’re getting in
  4. See what’s attracting them
  5. Make a treatment & prevention plan
  6. Use pest treatments
  7. Keep checking & do maintenance. Our technicians follow these steps for long-term control.

How much does a pest inspection consultation cost?

Our consultations don’t cost anything. We’ll check how bad your problem is and recommend solutions free of charge and no obligation. We aim to teach homeowners about the best options. Once we know the pest issue, we can provide accurate quotes for treatments.


We hope this article has been helpful in gaining more insight into anything related to Pest Control here in Perth.

Knowing as much as possible about your pest complaints is crucial.

Especially, for making informed decisions which means peace of mind knowing you’ve done everything possible.

This is when it comes time to select proper professional service provider.